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7000 Year's Culture
Religion and family life make up a cornerstone of Egyptian culture. Its religion, Islamic or Christian, provides the strong unifying bond between family members, friends, as well as strangers. Egypt is one of the very few nations left in the world, where strangers actually greet each other in the streets. In short, the life of an Egyptian usually revolves around the dictated values of his or her religion. Nevertheless, the dichotomy that is inherent in the Egyptian way of life cannot, by all means, be underestimated. 

In the rural areas, the inhabitants still live the traditional life of their ancestors. The villagers , more commonly known as the " Fallahin " , depend entirely on agriculture and live in very modest mud-brick houses. These mud-brick houses usually consist of just one large room which holds the entire family. In t his patriarchal community, decision making invariably falls to the head of the family, namely the husband. Male chauvinism is also an inherent part of the community and young girls are given very little freedom as compared to her brothers. 

Family ties are very strong, and neighbors are usually treated as family. Sexual relations between unmarried couples are strictly forbidden, and are looked down upon as being unchaste, as well as a great religious offense. For Muslims, drinking alcohol, gambling, or eating pork are also strongly forbidden . This traditional system of Egyptian values managed to find its way into the urban societies, but with a few variations here and there, urban communities tend to lead a more modern and westernized lifestyle. As you move up the social scale, this westernization seems to increase, and of course with McDonalds just around the block, the younger generations have completely adopted the “ American ” way of life , creating a huge gap between parents and their younger , more “open-minded” children. 

The two largest cities are Cairo and Alexandria, and because of the extreme centralization we have in Egypt, both cities are the heart of the country and everything revolves around them. Urban migration has been too common in Egypt for the past 20 years, stretching Cairo’s population beyond all limits. In general, Egyptians are renowned for there kindness, patience, and extreme sense of humor. They are extremely patriotic, and any offense to t heir nation, culture or religion will not be tolerated. On the other hand, you’ll notice that they are extremely helpful, friendly, and always smiling. Many Egyptians speak English as a second language, ( some speak French ), and so communicating with them should not be a problem. Egyptian men love to flirt, to smoke " Sheesha ", and most of all they love soccer. The two most popular soccer teams are " Ahly " and " Zamalek ", mention them and you’re bound to strike a conversation. 

Watching soccer is probably the number one form of male recreation in the country, along with going to "Al-Ahwa " ( the coffee shop ) to smoke " Sheesha ", play backgammon, and drink tea. To socialize with the men, it's usually about politics, women, or soccer. With women, it's usually just gossip or cooking. Most of Egyptian women are housewives, with the husband providing all the income. Only among the upper class and the younger generations you'll find working women. As far religion is concerned , most men and women are considered religious , with just a few extremists here and there . You may recognize the extremists by their long unshaved beard and very short hair.

Usually they have a spot of dead skin on their foreheads from excessive praying. 

Unlike what is said, there is no threat from these people, they simply mind their own business.

You’ll notice that the people are quite conservative when it comes to dress code. They don’t wear shorts in the summer, even though it gets really hot. Only in summer resorts, by swimming pools, or by the beach may you see them in shorts and swimsuits. Rural men wear long white robes, known as " Galabiya ", while urban men wear pants ( often jeans depending on how westernized ) and shirts. Most Egyptian women are veiled, covering their hair with a piece of cloth, known as " Hejab ", and wearing long sleeves. Nevertheless with the increasing westernization, many have discarded the veil, and dress normally like European women on the conservative side. As with the younger generations, they just follow the latest “ American ” fashion trends: Levis, hot pants, tight shorts, tight skirts, bikinis etc...